Monday, January 14, 2013

InstagrAmazing & Weekend re-cap.

Link-up with Karla & Nicole and share your InstagrAmazing weekend! Check out their blogs for deets! 
I wasn't that active on InstaG this weekend...but here it goes...
 Sugar lovin on her dad...
& the lovin on me.
We replaced our TV stand with a dresser...B&A pics.
Then I was tryin to get prettyfied for date night & fudged up my make-up.

Trixie begging for little rat. lol She needs a bath.

I actually took more pictures...but never posted them on
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Unsername: BNBA save from doing 2 posts, and because I know you just really want to know what I did over the weekend...
My weekend was pretty great.

Didn't do a lot of Friday.

Saturday we got to have our date night! 
But before that, we piddled around on the bedroom, meaning, we spent a couple of hours putting that dresser together, lol.
We planned to go to Red Lobster (Doug's pick) but we pulled into the parking lot and right back out. The line was out the door. No, thanks.
So we shot over to the next county and went to El Campesino & enjoyed some mexican food & got to watch some of the game...[that the Broncos lost].
Then we have about an hour & 1/2 until it was time for the movie we wanted to see to start. So, to Wally World. lol We picked up some stuff for rice krispies treats, some wine, and some candy-for the theater- :p.
 We saw "A Haunted House." It was SOOO funny! Haha! It started off great, but closer to the end it kind of died down a bit. But all in all, it was worth it. Made us laugh & I'll more than likely buy it when it comes out on DVD!! I'd recommend it. :)
Date Night was a success!!
We came home & made rice krispies treats. I played online for a few & he played PS...
Sunday was kind of a lazy day. Not eventful. 

That's basically it! 
Today was a bust...I did make it to the bank like I needed to, and to VS, but I couldn't find a bra I liked at VS & ended up blah because I didn't like what I saw in the mirror.
(We all have those was one of them for me).
I'll spare you a "I'm gonna start working out" speech right now. My arms are what's bothering me today. Just blah.
Well, I need to get started on laundry, that's next on my to-do list. :)
Hope everyone had a good Monday & has a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Your pets are the cutest!
    Red Lobster is ALWAYS packed in CT!
    But its like my FAV chain restaurant.
    Girl.. I spent too much $$ at VS this weekend..
    The semi annual sale gets me every time.
    Thanks for linking up!


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