Monday, January 7, 2013

My InstagAMAZING weekend!

Excited to FINALLY be able to participate in this link up with Karla & Nicole!
This is still a new link-up, but it's a fun one! Who doesn't love pictures?! So check them out & join in!!!

 The rules: 
1. Follow the host, Karla @ Forever Newly Wedded and the co-host, Nicole @ Grub n Marriage.
2. Put the link up button somewhere in your post or on your blog so that it links back to them, and don't forget to add your link when your done!!
3. Make sure to go and visit other blogs that link up! 
4.  Have Fun!! This is about showcasing your weekend, good, bad, or ugly!

Didn't do a lot this THAT much this weekend...Friday night we hung around the house & hubby helped me clean out some of my old junk (which prompted pic number helmets & pompoms! lol). And then we took a bunch of junk food & went to bed where we I watched Bo Burnham! (Love him!)

Friday Night
1. My mister singing So Far Away. lol
2. He's special...
3. The joy of being a big :)
4. "Bitches and hoes, Bo's hoes" 

Saturday didn't go quite as smoothly as planned, but it managed to turn out great. We did some shopping, with a stop to satisfy our Taco Bell weakness. Then once we got home we had a game night. We played Name 5 & them some Poker. QT lover time! :) 
1. This deliciousness happened.
2. Harder than you'd think!
3. P-p-p-pokerrrr
4. This guy

Sunday, I did absolutely nothing. But my dad, uncle, brother & hubby got started (& almost finished) with the drop ceiling in our spare room in the basement. This will be my spare room/craft room, eventually! lol After the drop ceiling is done then comes the painting, moving stuff around, putting a bed up, re-locating my cats litter box, and all that fun stuff.
Woosahhh! Progress!
Basically it! lol

Hope you all had a great weekend!



  1. It looks like you had a great weekend! I love the picture of your husband in a purple helmet. :)

  2. First: welcome to the linkup!! Glad you joined in our fun and hope you stick around!
    Second: my hubs and I LOVE bo burnham!!
    Third: is that the Doritos locos tacos?? Cause those are surprisingly delicious!!
    Happy Monday!

    1. Thank you! Ahh, I'd high-five you right now if I could! Bo is so funny! I'd love to see a live show. & His awkwardness makes it so much better. lol
      & Yes! It was a scrum-diddly-umptious doritos locos taco! :)
      Happy Monday to you as well! :)

  3. Hehe, all your photos make me laugh out loud! Love it! The helmet picture is priceless. I SOOO remember those kool-aid squeeze bottle juices... I want one right now! Thank you so so much for linking up!! =D

    1. Haha, I love it too! I almost wish it wasn't a cell picture so I would be better quality to print! lol
      & get some! lol I love them. Do you remember when they were called Squeeze-It drinks & they had the cool faces on them. Miss that!
      & you're welcome! I love that you love pictures as much as me!

  4. Hey Brandy!!! I accepted and completed the award you gave me... you can find it here !! Enjoy and thank you again!


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