Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hey June...

It's June!
There are a couple of those slow months in the year for everyone.
For me it's usually the winter months Jan-March..sometimes April.
May through the rest of the year is usually great.

Today starts my hubby love's birthday week AND our anniversary week.
Which means this week, for me, consists of making sure his car tag is updated, doing my usual housewife stuff & gift shopping for both events plus a wedding that we are going to on Saturday. Still need to find something to wear for that.
Friday is my hub's birthday so there will be a date night, Saturday is his cousin's wedding, and Sunday (a week from todayyy) is our 2/10 year anniversary, which will also be a date night.
It's a big one for me!
So needless to say i should be busy for the next week!

Today, though...
Today I'm gonna work a little more on my posts for the week & then probably do a whole bunch of nothing other than sorting out what I'm doing this week, figuring out dinner menus, making grocery lists, yadda yadda.

But, I can't believe it's June.
Less than 3 weeks til 1D time! HOLY BALLS!
A month & some odd days til my birthday (which has nothing to do with June, but it just means it's getting closer.)
I'm  ready to start checking things off of my Summer Bucket List!

Okay, short & sweet today.
Happy Sunday!

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