Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Four A.M.

4:18 to be exact.
I'm awake so that I can make sure my brother gets his ass out of bed & off to work.
You see, he & I, we don't usually hear alarm clocks.
So, part of my duties this week are making sure he's up and at 'em.

I found myself in the middle of getting a post ready yesterday & just stopped.
I thought, why the hell am I doing this?
I have a lot of cleaning to do. This is taking a lot of time.
I honestly don't want to do either one.

So, I didn't.

I put off cleaning for a couple of hours, which resulted in me cleaning from about 10 to 11:30pm, taking a 2 hour break to watch RHOC & then cleaning from 1:30 to about 3am. Nope, I'm not kidding.
& then I obviously put off blogging.
I'm sure I'll finish the post later, so you may get 2 posts from me today.
Woohoo, I'm sure you just wanna know about my weekend, right? -_-

It boggled me that in the middle of doing the post my mind just started racing.
It's not the first time it's happened. Definitely won't be the last.
But I just had one of those moments of wonder why I started blogging.

I though to myself, I'm basically "scrapbooking" certain things, only writing more than one might in their scrapbook.
And to be honest, it bothered me.
If I spent half the time working on my scrapbook as I do trying to put a blog post together, whether it be a scheduled post that I work on in advance-or one that I type up on the spot, I'd be good.
I just have a lot of creative energy in me that needs out.
I know that might sound a little crazy to some, but not me.
And to continue with blog posting bothers.
Time management.
It's pretty rare that I can a post out in a timely manner. I don't try to rush, but I can seriously spend way too long trying to type out a simple post.
It's ridonkulous.
I legitimately sat for a few minutes and wondered how some of you ladies, with Full time jobs (plus a family and a household to run), do it. I know you probably adjust and adapt, but I don't know. I just don't like feeling like I've wasted way too much time doing something that I could have spent doing something else.

So, yea. That's my late night/early morning rambles & rants.

4:39 now.
Broseph is awake & I am off to cuddle with my hubs before he has to wake up for work.
I'll be back later, I'm sure.


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