Thursday, February 13, 2014

30 Miles in 30 Days. Week 2.

Better late than never right? We've been enjoying the snow and being lazy today.

Adventures of Manda and Mr Howie

Feb. 6-8 :: 0
Feb. 9    :: 3.663
Feb. 10  :: 0
Feb. 11  :: 2.016
Feb. 12  :: 1.1

This week : 6.779
Feb total: 11.179 (or 11.2...whatever)

I'm pretty excited about that 3.7 miles though.
Usually I shoot for 30 minutes, sometimes 45.
Once I reached 30 I felt so good, I shot for 45, once to 45 I figure why not just get an hour out of & I'd get to see how long it would take for a 5k.
My 5k was 52 minutes I believe. I'm proud of that.

Again, I'm not sure I'll get to 30 miles in the next 2 weeks, but I'll be happy with whatever I get to. :-)

Sorry I got nothing else for ya today.
Happy Friday Eve.



  1. You're doing awesome!! Thanks for joining the link up. Sorry I didn't see this until now. Been kinda crazy, but keep up the awesome work!!


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