Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patty's Day & Lazy Sunday!

Whew! What a weekend!
I'm surprised I'm not more exhausted than I am.
I feel like I've been going, going, going since about Thursday!

We went to see the Harlem Globetrotters last night. I had never been & neither has my nephew or brother in law, & it had been years since hubby has been. I had so much fun. I'm not a basketball fan but I left there telling Doug that I now want to go watch an NBA game. Even though I'm well aware that there are no gags. lol But it was just fun. We all had a lot of fun & enjoyed it!
If you have never been to a Globetrotter game I highly recommend it. Especially if you have kids! They got one signature because it's a mad house trying to get things signed. But they were happy with that!
And we went to Bass Pro Shop before the game since it is 10 minutes, or less, down the road from the venue. Hubby got to spend a couple of gift cards. So he was happy about that. :)
He's gone fishing now & I am sitting her still kind of unwinding from the last 4 or 5 days. Doing absolutely nothingggg that I don't HAVE to do.
I've gotta figure out this bloglovin thing. So I suppose I will do that eventually.
Or play with my camera.
I haven't even really got to play around with it much, I've been so go-go-go.
I may have to use it on my mom. She got a new gun from Daddy as an anniversary gift & she wants a picture with/of it. :)
Random thought: I wish there was a TV in my kitchen so I could watch the race while I'm sittin' at the table.

I'm pretty bummed that my flats are starting to smell. I know that it can be a common thing, but I don't like it. So I've gotta nip that asap. Not okay with my shoes or my feet stinking. Thank God flip flops will be taking over very soon.

I was looking on InstaG last night & KellyAnne had posted pictures from where she and her cute family went to Amicalola Falls and took the hike & saw the falls & it was so pretty...You would think with me living one county away from there my whole life that I wouldn't have taken that hike before. But no. I haven't. Ever. (Or if I have, it was a field trip & I don't remember it.) But for the past 2 or 3 years I've really wanted to. & KellyAnne's pictures made me want to even more! So, when Doug & I start to do all this walking and junk, it will be on the agenda! :) Along with the trail around our reservoir (which I will let you know how that is, KellyAnne!)

I have no major plans for St. Patty's Day, as I've already mentioned. Today= a day of nothingness. I will enjoy some Saint Brendan's tonight though.
Heyyy, let's do Sunday Social today because my mind is so blank right now.
1. Favorite thing to do on a rainy day? 
Lounge/sleep. Watch TV, mess around on the computer.
2. Favorite thing to do on a Summer weekend? 
Just hang out. It really depends on how hot/sunny it is. I don't do well when it gets TOO hot...& I burn easily, haha! But getting out and about it always good!
3. Favorite Spring accessory?
Flip Flops!
4. Favorite way to spend a Winter day?
Basically the same as rainy. Unless it happens to actually snow. Then I go in and out. 
5. What is your favorite season and why? 
Spring, because it is finally starting to get warm and gorgeous, the flowers & everything are blooming & it's just a nice change in scenery. & Fall because it's starting to cool down just a little & who doesn't love fall colors?! Love them both because they are not too hot and not too cold. Perfection!
6. Best birthday you ever had? 
I honestly do not know. I can't answer this one.

The first week of springing forward was great. Like I said, I love it! Getting dark later makes me happy (says the night owl, lol).
Wednesday is the First Day of Spring!
Now I'm gonna go catch up on my blog reading! :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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